Sunday, June 5, 2011

GinoAwesome Winterboard Theme From Cydia

One of the main reasons to jailbreak your iPhone is the Winterboard themes that can make your own iPhone!

GinoAwesome is a fun and colorful theme for iPhone pension winter. This is a fun and unique t application icons is not just an ordinary native Apple applications Apps also popular.

I have the reflective dock Cydia installed for the appearance of reflection.


How to install GinoAwesome?

  1. The device must be jailbroken.
  2. You must have installed Winterboard via Cydia.
  3. You must have pwncenter source ( added to Cydia.
  4. Search GinoAwesome in Cydia and install it.
  5. Winterboard launch and activate GinoAwesome.

1 comment:

isma ada said...

thank you for the apps, it is very useful to manage my iphone themes