There are several ways to do this, let us discuss all the ways in which to work effectively.
Method 1: Manual backup APT.
Ubuntu / Apt users will find this handy
Step 1. Run the following command in the terminal iPhone
dpkg - get-selections> / backup Cydia
Step 2 FTP / SFTP files on your computer where you want to keep a backup copy
Step 3. Do the updates / Discount / clean facilities [You can follow our guidelines and unlocking Jailbreaking]
Step 4. SFTP the file back in the jailbreak iPhone and run:
That's it. You should see all the packets back into Cydia.
Automatic Method 2
Use a readymade application that does exactly that. Best applications are: AptBackup (free) PkgBackup ($ 2), AppBackup (free, back-App App Store) for just this automatically.
AptBackup [BigBoss repository] will make a list of applications installed and put in a backup in iTunes. So when you sync with iTunes, the file is stored with the backup. So restoring the phone, just reinstalling and AptBackup reinstall all applications on the phone.
You can also set the phone and use it as a model for the creation of others in a single click.
Although it is not the backup application or its actual parameters. Backup your springboard file placement. This is not to demand restoration. It is only to restore after a fresh install of iTunes.
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