Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Best Cool Cydia Themes collection

Cydia applications are becoming quite popular these days because of the different features they provide to the user. Those who have the iPhone I prefer to use cydia and themes, such as climate change, have the appearance of the iPhone. The following is a list of the main themes in Cydia 2011.


1. Afterhours-HD

This theme creates a series of icons for applications occur in the iPhone. It uses the display screen that allows users to see the themes Cydia. In order to run this application, you must add resources ModMyI Cydia repository.

2. Gino Awesome Theme

This theme has been the opportunity to develop a series of icons, in support of applications for the iPhone.

3. Alit Theme

This application has received a cursor, thirty-two marks on the icon, the status bar, dark gray wallpaper, background, and to lock the screen. You must first add ModMyI resources Cydia repository and then download the application from within your iPhone.

4. IPhone theme Classic 4

This theme has a very high resolution screen and you can see four icons, respectively. It improves the look of the iPhone.

5. Theme Blue Thunder

This theme has a calculator, clock, screen lock, two hundred and fifty icons, icons and wallpapers, respectively. To use this application, you must add resources and Planet Big Boss in Cydia file, then install the application on your iPhone.

6. Ultimate Chrome Theme

This theme has a lock screen, battery, clock line, custom loading screen, iPod skins, weather icon, the keyboard and the issue of SMS, respectively. Some of the icons Cydia are part of this application. To install this application, you must first add Cydia ModMyi file, find the latest issue of chromium and then install it.

7. Glasklart Theme

This theme is to lock the screen cursor, name badges, icons, text bubbles, respectively. To use this application, the user has the ability to add and Modmyi Big Boss repository to compare this application for Cydia and then reinstall it.

8. Bliss iPhone Theme

This theme is simple and has more than one hundred icons, battery, controller, and custom docking station, respectively. The user must add resources to ModMyi Cydia, locate this item, then install on your iPhone.

9. IPhone theme BlackMac

This theme is one of the simplest themes, and consist of icons and background wallpaper Lock Limited respectively. The user must add Planet iPhones Cydia resources, locate the subject ad then install it on his iPhone.

Ultimately, we can say that the aforementioned issues are great and should be used by the user in your iPhone.

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