Thursday, May 19, 2011

Enter in To The World of Cydia Themes

The world of themes is much bigger than we can imagine. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the best one from the hundreds and thousands of themes. Advancement in technology never stops at one point. It keeps changing to make the things better, comfortable and interesting. Same is the case with Cydia themes; you can’t decide which one is better until you will try it. Change is necessary because you can’t stick with only one theme all the time so you can replace it according to your mood, style, appearance and the color combination you are wearing. Here are some of the compiled themes you may want to check so let yourself enter into the world of exciting themes.


Hmmm so here comes something different from blue. The combo of yellow and black is just excellent. The colors don’t look odd, they match perfectly. Try it out.



High-tech Rave Up is again a very fine-looking theme. The icons are blue so it’s more like a dreamy one. You will enjoy it.



It is the most beautiful theme especially the highlights under the icons. It features 2,537 icons, 2 docks, status bar, 6 wallpapers, badges, lock screen battery, and page dots. Try it before something new will come, it is very fascinating.



The name itself shows that it is again the blue one. It is also very simple and fascinating with great icons.



Are you a dreamer? If yes then try out this theme because it brings you into the world of dreams with the beautiful and attractive colors. The background is blue. The best part in this theme is its simplicity and modesty.


So we have compiled some best Cydia themes for you. Hope you will try it to bring some change in your life or in your phone. All themes can be downloaded in Cydia but you have to search the Illumine theme on Google for installation.


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